Wednesday, March 16, 2011

for Martinique

Weddings are such fun, aren't they? Well, if you're not the one getting all immersed in the details, that is. I love telling brides-to-be about some things to keep in mind. Like getting everyone's camera's sync'd to the same time (seriously, this saves so much time after the fact). And having a laptop for everyone to download their photos to, so the couple has all the photos by the end of the evening (well, not the photographer's but everyone elses').

At the dentist's office today, longtime dental-friend (yes, dentist offices can have nice people there - they're not all masocists) Martinique told me about her upcoming wedding. How much fun! They're going to Vegas, baby. It'll be blast, I'm sure. Anyhoo, that's why I've posted Harrison & Sunny's Wedding Album so she can see what a fabulous showcase a digital album can be.

Here's a little teaser... just in case you don't go to the link above.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My name is Michelle

Hi!  My name is Michelle, and I'm a magazine addict.

I have issues with magazines.  I love them.  I hate the environmental impact, but I love the feel and the look of the ones I'm obsessed with and even though there has been a kibosh on buying magazines in my house for the past two months, I've broken down and bought 8 in the past three days.

Cloth, Paper, Scissors
Cloth, Paper, Scissors Studio Edition
Somerset Digital Studio
Art Journalling by Somerset Studio
Somerset Studio - the Art of Paper and Mixed Media - 2 volumes
Artists' Cafe - best of Somerset Studio Art & Design
Artful Blogging- visually inspiring online journals by, who else? Somerset Studios

The fun part about all this, well besides the fact I get to read all these magazines and absorb all the fabulous information, is ... I also get to try out a lot of the techniques!  I learn about so much in every issue.  I want to run away to a little cottage and shut myself away and just do every single thing talked about in each magazine.

A tad impractical, so that is why I've decided this most likely borders on an actual issue, instead of just being funny.  But it's an issue I'd rather not resolve, truth be told.  I love my magazines.  And after a few months of not buying any (I have enough to tide me over I think) I'll most likely go on another spree.  And oh what fun that will be!

Friday, March 4, 2011

for real

For a while now, I've been making art and making small attempts at selling it.  I've created an Etsy site, I've gone to multiple craft fairs, and I've actually managed to have some commissions come my way.

And there I sit.

I attended an opening of a gallery show last night.  It was at Art Central, and it was one of the First Thursdays the collective hosts.  Samantha daSilva's students who have gone through Level 2 of her classes sum up their experience with a show.  This was one of them.

What I saw, not just at the show of the students but all throughout Art Central, was an incredible variety of what people consider to be art.  There were canvases I really liked, and canvases I really disliked, and others I was more intrigued with how the artists did them rather than the actual end product.

But what I took away from the event was the fact that I already do a lot of the same techniques.  I already produce a certain type of painting.  I already have pieces worth selling, worth collecting, worth putting in a show.  I had, until yesterday, always considered myself a bit of a hack since I lack professional training at a place like ACAD.  And truly, there are things some painters did that I simply can not do - like figure drawing or realistic paintings.  But abstract?  Multi-media?  I think I've got a grasp on those. 

I'm not saying I'm done learning - by no means!  I've just signed up for a Level 1 session of classes for abstract.  And I may look at a drawing class or something more outside my comfort zone. 

But what I am saying is... I don't need to feel 'less than' other artists because of my lack of shows or lack of training.  I'm starting out, so that's to be expected.  I just need to put more work into the business side of art and I think I'll get a good boost of confidence by getting out there and being more involved in my path's trajectory.  And who knows?  Maybe shortly I can post about a show I'm putting on!  :)