Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 23

I read a book a while ago, Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals by Carla Sonheim. 

It's pretty awesome.

On a trip, I packed up my wee book, pencils and pens, water colour pencils and a brush.  The book had one bit where you looked a cracks in sidewalks and made animals from the shapes.  Since I was on a plane, there weren't many sidewalks to look at, so I looked at some of my abstract painting for odd shapes.  And then I kept on making new animals.
Here we have a dog-sheep wolf-poodle who is sad, and not even his bright red shoes can cheer him up.  Poor guy.  Maybe, by the end of his walk around he will have found something to be thankful for, and will be a bit less sad, perhaps even hopeful. 

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