Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day 152

And there we have it folks.
The end of the performance written by Antonio, the purple and yellow penguin.
Perhaps the next pieces I create will be a bit less whimsical.  Maybe not.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Day 151

Marla is sweet, but a little easily distracted.
She was supposed to be singing, but she was looking at the flowers instead.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 150

Ted wanted the part Alma got, so he's mad and eating up all the stars.
Ted is a sore loser.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 149

Alma is the star of the show, because she loves to sing sing sing!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day 148

This is Sloane, the slug-dog who also happens to be a potato thief. 
He's an opera lover too, so he's bringing a snack to the performance.
Today was an expensive day.  I don't mind spending, but $2K on my vehicle when I wasn't really thinking of spending $100 on it is a bit much to take in.  I rebelled by going out for dinner.
Not much happened in my 30x30 challenge to get out into nature, but here's the Instagram for May 27th anyway.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 147

Here we have Antonio, who is a penguin according to my niece. 
Squint a bit, and maybe he'll look a bit more like a penguin.
Super fuzzy bee and lupine,
but I was outside for my 30x30 challenge today,
May 26th Instagram #natureiscalling so oh well.  It's fuzzy.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 146

I found a few sheets of music from a Thrift Store in the 'free' bin, so of course they made their way into this project, along with quotes from Rumi and some of my impossible imaginary animals, painted with watercolour pencil crayons sometime in the past two years.
So the next few days has a musical theme.

Things I miss about Calgary - my dentist is one.  She always talked to me about my flowers in my yard.  I've got this poor rose (see May 25th Instagram #natureiscalling) and it looks so stressed out.  I think I have to excavate it from the cement trough it's in and reposition it.  sign

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 145

As promised, here is the one that looks very similar to yesterday's, complete with the smooshed clouds.  I guess I like landscapes a lot.  Perhaps I should give it a go with colours other than blue and green; then maybe I won't end up with similar looking paintings.  Or not.
Starting to see more pink around the yard. 
Out for my 30 minutes cleaning up and doing a bit of weeding. 
May 24th Instagram #natureiscalling.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 144

Today's and tomorrow's look very similar...but they didn't start out that way!  I promise.  I thought I was doing something different on each of them when I looked at them after I finished them and went...doh!  They're pretty much the same.
The clouds were super fun to do.  I put some white on my palette knife and touched it down gently a few times, squishing the paint into the sky.  And yes, I did the same for both, so I guess I should've guessed they were going to look similar, eh?

Had a visitor during my 30x30 challenge to be out in nature.
May 23rd Instagram #natureiscalling.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Day 143

Not to dwell on SciFi, but when I put these circles down (which are images of coins, by the way) an Azimov story of a planet with multiple suns came to mind, and no matter which way I turned this piece, it always came back to being oriented this way.
And if you haven't read any Azimov, you should.  He's really very good.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Day 142

Maybe it's because of all the poppies that are blooming in my yard.  I had to make these blobs of pink into tall flowers.  Trying out the "abstract realism" thing.
A lot of work got done today at DJ's, and then we were out exploring Fort Langley. 
Way cuter than Langley.  #natureiscalling May 21st Instagram - spoiler's a train!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day 141

I added a couple pieces of paper to this one - taken from an Arizona Tea bottle.  After playing around a bit, I got the theme from Space Odyssey in my head and thought of large monoliths.  
All hail Arizona Green Tea!
Off to Langley for a couple days.  Love riding the ferry.
#natureiscalling May 20th Instagram.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 140

This one was a lot of fun.  I added a map from the 1980s of Calgary, and then wondered if the ink would transfer...which it did, which meant the writing is all backwards.  A neat discovery!  And I have a whole bunch of the map book left to play with too!

#natureiscalling May 19th Instagram
fishy fishy

Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 139

Ok - let's just admit it.  I can't do 'cutesy' houses.  I've been watching all these artists do cute stuff, with big eyed girls and birds and foxes and houses and I thought I'd try out a house.  I guess I should've just painted over it and pretended like I never did it, buuuttt...failure is always an option.
And this is a fail.
What was not a fail was my cleanup mission with a bunch of branches out front.
I totally did that like a boss. 
But it's not pretty, so here's a pretty shot of some flowers
for the 30x30 challenge, #natureiscalling May 18th Instagram.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Day 138

Can you tell I missed my sweetie while he was away? 
All these Instagram photos are all him & me for the past few days!
#natureiscalling May 17th Instagram.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 137

May 16th Instragram #natureiscalling at Neck Point.
I should find out why they call it that.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 136

Scott's back at home, and we got out and about today for the 30x30 challenge,
and because Hemer Park is gorgeous. 
May 15th Instagram.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 134

Super neat article from Houzz - digital art coming soon to a wall near you!

Well, kinda.  There are quite a few in development, and the biggest issue seems to be making sure the screen looks like art and not just a screen, so is key.  I love the idea of getting more art into everyone's homes, and still giving credit (and money) to the original artists.
Have a read - what do you think about it?

I didn't get around to much gardening today, but I did get outside! 
May 13th Instagram #natureiscalling
Oh, and my house in twilight.  I love my house.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 133

I have a lot of bees, which is good.
But they don't let me pull weeds, which is ok.
#natureiscalling May 12 Instagram for 30x30 challenge

Monday, May 11, 2015

Day 132

I don't know the name of most of the flowers in my yard. 
I'm pretty sure some of them are actually weeds.
#natureiscalling May 11th Instagram

And here's what I was working on a couple days ago.  A transfer of my wee dog Maggie Mae who passed away in February of this year.  The transfer was a photo from back in October when we were trying out different costumes, and she fell asleep in her bumble bee outfit.  Super cute.
I miss her a ton.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 131

The flea market in Cedar is quite lovely, and quite quirky.  There are some mainstays, like the old man selling really old books.  And then there are the transitory sellers, like this guy with a bright yellow table that I should've purchased but when I went back the next week he, and the table, were not there.  So sad.  #natureiscalling May 10th Instagram.


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Day 130

Planted a bug-eating plant.  And it's pink.
I think I'm in love.
#natureiscalling May 9th Instagram

What I'm working on....

What I finally finished. 5 sets of napkins (4 each except the baubles one...only two of those).  Hit damn, the yellow stripe was hard to work with.  It's so thick.  I mean, look at the difference in height between that set and the others!!  Whew!!